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"Quite a few years ago my chiropractor referred me to Luna’s yoga classes. I participated until a serious illness and surgery. Luna kept in touch during that time. Finally I was able to return to classes and she adjusted for my abilities until I was able to fully participate. I’m certain that aided my rapid recovery. She has an extensive knowledge of yoga, anatomy, kinesthetics and related practices. I owe her much." 

Marguerite Dimas


"In October 2012, I was in a car accident, and I hurt my lower back. I went to this chiropractor a few times, and he recommended that I go to Luna. I had no idea what yoga meant. She showed me positions to do and the breathing to do with them. I think it helped me significantly. I still have pain in my low back, but when I do the exercises, I feel better the next day. It’s more than exercise, it’s learning new ways to do everyday things, like lifting a package or how to breathe. So I’ve gone to these one-on-one sessions, which my insurance pays for, but I’ve also started going to some of these classes because I want to continue with this. It’s a life thing, something you carry with you. I’ll probably do yoga forever now."

— Stephen Lopez


“The benefit for me has been the major attention to breathing in yoga. . . . the pulmonary condition I have is such that every other year, I check in with the Mayo Clinic, and what I’ve learned is that my condition should have worsened with time, but it hasn’t. It’s stable, or slightly improved, so that’s just one of the amazing benefits of yoga.”

—Norman Brown


“Lots of studios put an emphasis on how you look and if you’re wearing the right outfit and all these silly standards that society imposes on us. There is none of that in Luna’s classes! Luna knows her anatomy and physiology very well, which is important, and she’s very attentive to her students’ injuries and how they might need to approach the positions. I like her whole approach to the practice.”

—Joie Singer


“I first went to yoga classes because I’ve had sciatica problems, and in another class, I discovered that certain positions gave me immediate relief. . . . One of the things Luna excels at is looking at each individual’s needs, limitations, and strengths—and she remembers them from class to class! I think that comes from her background in yoga therapy. Anyway, she carries that sensibility into the classroom, and that really works for all us middle-aged ladies!”

—Trish Arens


“I had been quite active in physical therapy for injuries and so forth, and a lot of the poses you do in physical therapy are the same as yoga, but to me, yoga is attractive because it ties together the meditative and the physical part. Yoga is just a more complete mind-body thing.”

—Bob Harbour


“She’s very systematic about the way she does things. And yet, she can be so hilarious, so goofy. I think it’s because she’s Southern. . . . One day, she was having some stiffness in her hip and she said something like, ‘Sorry folks, I may have a hitch in my giddy-up there!’ So she has a very strong presentation, but she’s not serious, and you don’t ever feel like you’re being inspected under glass or something.”

—Jude Lujack


“I tried a somewhat similar practice with another person, but it was much more structured, and there wasn’t discussion. Luna’s approach is much more refreshing in the sense that it’s comfortable, relaxed, and we can talk about things.”

—Catherine Baca

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