Luna Jordan, MS, ERYT, C-IAYT
As a teacher and alternative health care provider, one of my greatest joys is seeing my clients reach their goals and heal. I’m Luna Jordan, a certified yoga therapist and mindfulness teacher with 20 years of experience. I follow the teachings of Desikachar, as taught to him by his father, Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, the Indian yoga teacher, ayurvedic healer, and scholar often called “the father of modern yoga.” I also have deep respect for the teachings of Ram Dass and Thich Nhat Hanh for their contributions to mindfulness understanding.
I have also studied Western information regarding anatomy/physiology, biomechanics, and massage. I work with my clients in light of Western knowledge applied in the context of yoga philosophy and practice. My clients always have access to information from both perspectives.
My mission is to help clients optimize their health through individualized yoga therapy, group classes, and in-depth workshops. Many clients come through my door seeking relief from specific medical issues. While we focus on reducing the effects of these conditions in my classes and/or private sessions, my clients also reap the rewards of improved respiratory function, stress reduction, improved memory, and insight into the mind-body connection. Frequently, clients who initially came to me for individual yoga therapy choose to continue their practice through my classes and workshops, graduating to more advanced breath work and movement, visualization, and meditation.
- Certified Yoga Therapist, International Association of Yoga Therapists (C-IAYT) See my profile
- Registered as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance (ERYT-500)
- M.S., Psychology (emphasis in mindfulness research), NMHU, 2016.
- B.S. Communication Disorders (Speech Pathology), University of Houston, 1988.
I have also studied with:
•Chase Bossart, senior teacher and director of therapy and education, Healing Yoga Foundation, San Francisco, CA
•Tias Little, Founder of Prajna Yoga, Santa Fe, NM
•Sonia Nelson, certified teacher trainer and director of the Vedic Chant Center, Santa Fe, NM
•Robin Rothenberg, certified yoga therapist and teacher trainer, Essential Yoga Therapy, Fall City, WA
•Fran Ubertini, certified yoga therapist and teacher trainer, Yoga for Well-Being, Florida, NY